The Spiritual Architecture of the Creative Process
How the cosmic creative process is mirrored in nature and the human being
How we can practically use this to transform the world
Online 6-day Transformative Art & Architecture (TAA) seminar from Saturday 30th October 2021
Johannes and Sue Schuster are offering this online seminar on Transformative Art & Architecture over three weekends with morning lectures and discussions and artistic practice in the afternoons.
What is it about?
This “Creative Process” seminar begins with the question of how spirit condenses into matter, which is also how nature manifests her forms. From the human perspective however it is the other way round: if we want to transform the world, we must learn how to raise matter up to spirit, which is what the theory of Transformative Art & Architecture (TAA) is concerned with. The archetypal creative process therefore has a downward manifestation phase, as well as an upward transformation phase. This is how spirit and matter interact to become one.
The same archetypal rhythm underpins all creative processes, from the macrocosmic genesis of the world, which unfolded over cosmic time frames, to the way plants grow through the four seasons, to how we create as human beings. As such the archetypal creative process is an example of the Hermetic law of “As Above – So Below”, by which the macrocosm and microcosm are linked into a larger whole.
However, understanding the archetypal creative process alone is meaningless without at the same time asking the question of what it means for us as Human Beings and the modern world we live in. In this module, we show how the Anthroposophical world view can imbue Art and Architecture with the moral forces of “Goodness, Truth and Beauty”. From the TAA perspective, these very qualities are what creates the link to spirit and what defines the nature of Universal Beauty itself. Ultimately, it is the transformative power of Universal Beauty which we must learn to invite into our creations. The world depends on it, more so at this time than at any other. This is also what Rudolf Steiner alluded to when in one of his lectures to the workers of the first Goetheanum he spoke the following words:
“…the turning of evil into good, will in future depend upon whether true art
is able to pour a spiritual fluid into the hearts and souls of human beings.”
Rudolf Steiner: “Ways to a new style in Architecture” 1914
You can find more information about the course and how to enrol for it here.
More about Transformative Art & Architecture (TAA)
Johannes Schuster has been teaching the TAA with Sue Schuster in Australia and internationally (Switzerland, Argentina, China, Malaysia) for well over a decade. While it took many years for the content to evolve, it was only since giving courses in China for the last 5 years (online since 2020) that it developed into an anthroposophical theory of Transformative Art & Architecture in its own right. As such it has been met with growing interest by a broad range of spiritually engaged professionals, not only from the field of art & architectural design, but also in many other areas of creative endeavour, from Waldorf teachers, doctors and therapists to biodynamic farmers and business entrepreneurs, many of whom without previous Anthroposophical background.
The following introductory lectures are available for free on Vimeo.
Lecture 1: What is Transformative Art & Architecture?
Lecture 3: The 12-fold Matrix of Nature
For more information on how to register visit the Events listing here or contact Johannes directly.
TAA has been developed out of the Biosculptural Architecture approach. You can find more information about this here.
Featured image: photo courtesy of Johannes Schuster