Key Contact | Dr Lisa Harris |
Website | https://www.sophiaintegrativemedicine.com.au/ |
Address | Ground Floor 2/30 Gordon St Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 |
Dr Lisa Harris is an Integrative GP, specialising in Anthroposophic Medicine, and GP Proceduralist in Palliative Care in Coffs Harbour, NSW.
Integrative medicine uses a broad spectrum of treatment options, from conventional prescription medications to natural remedies. Conventional medicine is extended with the use of natural and herbal preparations, uniquely prepared to work with and support your body’s own healing capacities. Lifestyle and life rhythm advice, home care treatments and, if needed, referrals to other anthroposophical specialists for art therapy, massage, counselling and nursing treatments can be provided.
We will work with you to choose support that is right for you and your body.