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Harmony of Land, People, Community: Ueli Hurter Tour TAS

8 May,2024 - 10 May,2024

Bio-Dynamics Centennial Recognition Events 

The Biodynamics Centenary Tour

Tasmania May 2024


Biodynamic Tasmania has organised a series of events to celebrate the 100 years anniversary of Rudolf Steiner’s agriculture lectures, which in time became known as the birth of bio-dynamic agriculture. These events are part of a suite of events across Australia and New Zealand designed to celebrate the Biodynamics centenary this year.

It has been 100 years since Rudolf Steiner presented the Agriculture Lectures in Europe, which were the start of what became known as Organic and Biodynamic Agriculture. To acknowledge the centenary, Ueli Hurter from Switzerland, the head of biodynamics globally, is undertaking a speaking tour of Australia in May. Ueli Hurter visits biodynamic farms and can report on their health and success. 

Dialogue between healing and regeneration: Keynote speaker Ueli Hurter

The celebrations in Tasmania aim to develop authentic dialogue between “healing” and “regeneration” across land, people and community, such that new harmonies may emerge and guide further BD developments into the future.

Tasmania Program

Download the program, which shows the range of activities and public presentations planned for 8-10 May in Southern Tasmania, some of which feature the global head of Bio-Dynamic Agriculture, Ueli Hurter. 

*Note – specific event location addresses are supplied during the registration process via Humanitix or by contacting the organisers via the contact details above.

As can be seen in the program above and on the downloadable flyer, there is a mix of smaller group activities (e.g., BD compost making and a presentation/discussion on BD bee keeping with students, parents and interested people at the Tarramah Steiner School), facilitated discussions on a range of BD related topics (e.g., lunar and planetary cycles) and growing edges for BD (e.g., dialogue between Indigenous and BD approaches to caring for land), and more focussed discussions (e.g., Anthroposophy and community; exploring the herbs used for in BD preparations making; etc).

Each of these activities represent different facets of the role BD can/does play in responding to major challenges all of us face, such as climate change, food security and quality, cost of living, and building regenerative communities. These challenges will be the focus of two public presentations by Ueli Hurter on Wednesday and Thursday evenings.


All events attendance/participation require registration so that venues can be adequately prepared. There will be a small registration fee to cover the venue costs for the public presentations. All other events are free of charge.

Registration for events

Wed 8th May -Caring for Country Roundtable – Magical Farm Tasmania (Allens Rivulet) 

Wed 8th May – Ueli Hurter public presentation one – BD responses to the climate crisis and social and planetary healing

Thurs 9th May – Bronzewing Botanicals Herb Farm Tour (Allens Rivulet) & Anthroposophy and Community Future Directions Meeting (Raphael Institute – Margate)

Thurs 9th May Biodynamics in schools with Ueli Hurter (Tarremah Steiner School – Huntingfield)

Thurs 9th May – Ueli Hurter-public presentation two – Economic models, challenges and opportunities of building regenerative BD food secure communities

For more information

Visit the Bio-Dynamics Tasmania website or contact Bio-Dynamics Tasmania: Trevor Crowe or phone Cole Bradshaw on 0429 961 125


About Ueli Hurter

photo of man in trench coatUeli Hurter has been the co-head of the Agriculture Section at the Goetheanum since 2010 and currently sits on the executive board of the International Biodynamic Association. A native of Switzerland, he completed agricultural apprenticeships in Switzerland, Germany and France. He has formerly served as President of the Swiss Demeter association and as Swiss spokesman to Demeter International.

Find out more about Ueli Hurter’s Biodynamics Centenary Tour Australia-wide




Cole Bradshaw
0429 961 125