Trainings and programs to celebrate the Arts
2022 marks the centenary of the burning of the first Goetheanum.
It stood on the Dornach hill for only ten years – then it was destroyed by fire on New Year’s Eve in 1922/23. From 1913 to 1922, artists from 17 different nations created a unique work of art from all artistic genres, making a new creative impulse visible. At the same time, the first Goetheanum forms and motifs offered a mirror for the perception of one’s own destiny.
There is also a new curative eurythmy training in Melbourne and three on-the-ground arts-based weekend events to deepen the work begun online. Here is a round-up of current and upcoming artistic programs on offer.
On the theme of the art of the 1st Goetheanum
Working with Steiner’s epoch motifs as a training for the ordering of the soul-life is an online practice-based 7-session course from 12 February to 23 May for anyone and everyone longing to understand more about the spiritual history of humanity. It combines lectures, study, drawing and contemplation. No drawing skills required.The online masterclass studio on the Nine Training Sketches is for those with painting skills. Work alongside Fiona as she paints towards an exhibition on the theme from artists round the world. This is an ideal course for those beyond the beginner stage in painting and interested in the experiencing how Steiner’s training sketches work upon our soul-life. Starts 4 February.
International online lectures
Other artistic courses on offer
A new curative eurythmy training begins!
Storytelling and writing
And finally …
After a number of postponements, the 2nd Etheric Geography Conference, hosted by the NSW Branch will finally take place in rural NSW at Linuwel School. Building on the first conference in 2019 and the World Script webinars that replaced the 2021 conference, the theme explores the effect of our thinking on the health of our ecosystems. Lectures, nature observation and sketching, contemplation, eurythmy and sharing.
And don’t forget to check out the existing artistic, educational and professional development courses and trainings from round Australia under Adult Education and Training.
Good wishes for your new (and old) endeavours this coming year!
Fiona Campbell
Website editor
Photo credit: Creative Commons from Rosmarie Voegtli
Note: Photo compilation of the interior of the first Goetheanum as planned by Steiner. The layout is distorted because several photos, shot at different angles, have been stitched together. The structure consisted of two domed spaces — a small dome on the left, a large one on the right.